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Tales of Eltherion


Is a saga of stories that begins on the planet Eltherion where magic is part of everyday life. Sorcerers and magical animals inhabit this extraordinary world, where exciting, fun, and sometimes mysterious adventures happen all the time. The book “Chapter I: Apolioth and Max” is the starting point of this journey; read on if you want to know a little more about this universe.


Chapter I: Apolioth and Max


An orphaned boy named Apolioth and his lion Max raised together from birth, attend the prestigious Magic Academy Sendiel in Eltherion, where all the famous sorcerers are trained. 


When asked to demonstrate to their class how an apprentice and an animal work together to perform a combined spell, Apolioth performs his part perfectly while Max fails disappointingly.


Soon, all of the first years go on an excursion, where Apolioth and Max come upon the school bully, Lestion, performing a forbidden spell. When Lestion inadvertently brings forth a creature who becomes out of control, Apolioth and Max need to think quickly. Will they be able to help before the creature puts everyone in danger…or worse?


More magical adventures with Apolioth and Max await in future Tales of Eltherion!

Tales of Eltherion
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